Thursday, April 22, 2021

Black and White

Our first competition for this year was Black and White. I love this competition because the only guideline is the colour and you can enter anything you like.  I chose to enter images that were taken in the last year. 

One image I chose was of seed pods.  They can look menacing or dangerous or otherworldly.  I found a whole pile of them outside our community centre months ago and collected them thinking that I would eventually make an image of them. I went home that day and started to consider how I would photograph them.  My husband carved a dome for me out of styrofoam and I painted it black then went about threading the stems of the seed pods into the dome.  I placed it on a black back ground and started photographing away.  As I spent more time looking at this group of seed pods I noticed how the group of them actually looked a lot like one of the individual seed pods, I thought I would make a diptych out of them.  But I wasn't happy with how it looked I wanted them closer to each other. I ended up cutting each image in half and had them touching and lined up.  I loved how they turned out.  Click on the image to zoom in.