Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Movie/Song/Book Title

Our most recent club competition was Movie/Song/Book title.  The idea was to encourage our club members to step out of their comfort zones.  I found myself struggling quite a lot with what to enter so chose a typical "me" photo.  One I took of my sons years ago and titled it " You've got a friend in me" from the song from the movie Toy Story.

It was now time to decide what I would do for my second entry so I fell back to creating a quilt inspired image like in previous posts on this blog so I went about researching quilt patterns and spent hours placing thin strips of paua shell in my carefully planned template and thought surely there is a book about a quilt or a song that I can just throw in here.  This was the image I turned in.

What I turned in I titled "The Matrix" because if I squinted my eyes a bit I thought it looked like the introduction to the movie.  The judge of this competition encouraged me to have a closer look and see if I could maybe make the segments different lengths more like the actual image in the intro sequence.

So I went back today and this is what I came up with:

This is a screenshot of that opening sequence that I should of had a look at before entering the first matrix image .